We started the evening at my parents' house for dinner. It was way yummy food, and always good company.
Then we headed over to the church for some "Minute To Win It" games. The adults were paired with a child so they could help them with the games. It worked out great, and it was so fun to watch the adults with the younger ones.
Here is some of the madness! Some of these pictures will make great blackmail some day! ;)
Nikole was paired with Kate. Here they are before their first game!
Danika is just barely walking, so I had to snap a shot of her cute little self wandering around the gym.
Tai watching McKenzie attempting to get 6 penne noodles onto a linguine noodle.
Hayden watching as Andrew tries to sort M&M's.
Jordan helping Kailie try to figure out how to stack the apples.
Andy shooting rubber bands at a pyramid of empty soda cans in order to knock them off the table. He looks like a great shot!
Andrew helping Hayden stack the apples. Andrew was so cute to explain things to Hayden and help him with every game. Hayden ate it up and is still talking about is awesome uncle.
Brooke trying to blow a bubble across the room and through a hoop!
Lana was quite the cheerleader! She got so excited watching her partner, Brooke, play the games.
My mom, successfully got 6 penne noodles on her linguine noodle. (She did have a little help from her cute partner, Brielle.)
Sara and Rylee shaking their booties to get ping pong balls out of the tissue boxes that were
attached to their waists.
Andrew showing Hayden how to properly shoot a rubber band!
Lana trying to sort the M&M's as fast as she could!
Jordan taking a picture of me, taking a picture of him!
Rylee, Sara, and Kate as Rylee gets ready to attempt "Penny Hose."
Bill, Andy, and Danika. Bill was my helper for the night, and didn't get to participate in many of the games. He was Mr. Timer Man while I was Mrs. Picture Lady. :)
My dad attempting to get the penne noodles onto the linguine noodle. Check out that concentration!
My mom flinging a ping pong ball into a laundry basket, using the towel. Look how cute little Brielle is!
Hayden throwing a water bottle at the table, trying to land it right-side-up. I don't think that one is going to stick!