Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Our New Addition
We threw around a couple of different names, but as soon as the name "Daisy" was brought up, it stuck. Hayden loved it because Daisy is a character on Super Mario, and the girls just thought it was cute. So, meet Daisy:
She's a ShihTzu/Bischon Frise mix, and is so adorable! She is six weeks old, and such a good puppy. We are feeling so lucky to have such a sweetheart. She is playful, but so mellow and good with the kids too.
It's fun to see the way she acts differently around all the kids, and how they all interact with her in different ways.
Hayden LOVES to let her chase him and play with her little toys with her. He laughs so hard and can't decide if he loves it or is a little bit afraid when Daisy chases him, trying to get her little toy from him. He usually ends up dropping it and running away, laughing as he watches Daisy attack her little toy. The first day she was here, Hayden kept saying, "Please tell me I'm not dreaming." It was so cute!
Kate loves to hold her, but doesn't try to "man handle" her too much. She thinks she is fun to watch, but doesn't quite know how to hold her yet. She loves to have her on her lap, but kind of doesn't know what to do when Daisy starts to move around. But she gets so excited to see Daisy wake up and always wants to know where she is.
Rylee is the little doggy mommy. She carries her around like a baby and is constantly near her to make sure she is okay. She takes her outside to go potty and just dotes on her. She worries about her just like a mom would worry about her child. She feels so bad and sits by Daisy to pet her when she is twitching in her sleep. She is so worried that she is afraid or sad because she isn't with her mommy any more. She is determined to arrange a "doggie family reunion" so Daisy can see her mom and dad again.
Lana mothers Daisy quite a bit too. She is always anxiously waiting for her to wake up from naps so she can play with her and snuggle her. She loves it when Daisy chases her feet and laughs hysterically just watching her play. She had to hold her in the car on the way home and then walk down the street and show her friend her new puppy as soon as we got home with her. She's definitely smitten.We are all so excited to have a new pet, and it is so easy to see how pets become like family. She is adorable!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
It's Been A While...
10. He marked his territory with a painted "H" on the wall. :)
11. His room looks so cute now!
38. Bill was a good sport to dress up for the kids.
41. You can't have a Halloween party unless you are eating donuts off of a string.
43. Grandma loves it when her grand kids pile on her!
46. Believe it or not, we have a picture of all of us together. This never happens!
47. Hayden still loves his cousin, Brielle, and would rather hang out with her more than just about anyone.
48. We actually got my whole family in one picture together when they all came for dinner in December!
55. We did something we have been wanting to do for a few years now. We had Thanksgiving by ourselves.
67. That's why they each get their own containers of frosting. Ew!!!
68. See, I don't think Lana likes the mess either.
69. Hayden and Kate love me to make them lunches in their lunchboxes, and then they have a picinic on the floor.
72. Rylee was the shepherd, and Lana was the angel. Rylee's stuffed dog had a paper tag tied around his neck with the name "Sheepie" on it. LOL!
78. And apparently looking through the rest of your stocking so early in the morning makes you pull faces like this:
89. Sara giggled through "Johnny Applestack."
90. The slinky was almost as tall as Brielle in "Pink Elephant."
91. Hayden loved playing "Separation Anxiety."
96. One day, Hayden and Kate decided to "decorate" downstairs in the newly finished part.
100. They had used dry-erase markers.
101. I was not happy because dry erase markers don't come off of much.
102. We just painted over it again.
103. Hayden was so upset and couldn't understand why we ruined the artwork that he was so proud of.
111. After she had a rough couple of weeks in the hospital, it was nice to see my grandma feeling well enough to celebrate her birthday.
113. Our little Lana Darlin' turned seven last week!
116. She was all smiles all day, and was going strong into the evening when we came back for cake and ice cream.
123. My mom has been doing a really cool thing for everyone's birthdays this year. She has been giving everyone a 72-hour kit.
126. They are also four cute kids!
130. I'm sure Hayden would love to have more boys in the family, but he sure handles a bunch of sisters pretty well.
132. She loves babysitting - bonus for me!
133. She has a quick wit and makes Hayden laugh hysterically every night before they go to sleep.
134. She is constantly writing little plays and songs that she teaches to the rest of the kids and then they perform for us.
135. She has been in a cheer class and loves it! She's pretty good!
136. She loves to read and has plowed through almost every Babysitter's Club Book in the series in just a few months.
137. Rylee always wants to look nice and takes pride in the way she presents herself. She's very much a girly-girl!
138. She is so responsible and tries so hard to do what is right.
139. Lana is our candy-lovin' girl!
140. She has an infectious giggle and does the best giggles when you give her candy.
141. She is my comfy-dresser. She loves to wear yoga pants or any other comfortable clothes. Most days she just wants her hair in a pony tail. Works for me! :)
142. Every morning, Lana gets out of bed and immediately makes her bed. She has taught Kate to do the same thing. What a great example!
143. Lana is a fun-loving girl who gets along with anyone, and for some reason it seems that kids fight over who gets to be around her.
144. Lana is our little bouncy girl. I think that's why she is so stinking skinny. She doesn't stop bouncing. :)
145. At night, Lana loves to arrange her bed just right. She has her pillow pet that she arranges just so, with her rice bag right under her shoulders, her favorite blanket tucked inside the sheets, and then all of the rest of the bedding tucked up around her. I don't know how she doesn't roast to death!
146. Lana is always worried about how other people feel. She can't do anything to intentionally hurt anyone's feelings. She's quite the tender-hearted little thing.
147. Hayden is so awesome to have around with all of the females we have in our family. :)
148. Hayden has to get his "Mario" fix in every morning. His day just doesn't start out right if he can't play some sort of Mario game on the Wii for just a few minutes when he wakes up.
149. Hayden looks out for Kate, and it is so cute to watch him play with her.
150. Hayden is a tease, and is great at taking funny lines he hears in movies and applying them at appropriate times in real life. For instance: One night I was tucking him into bed and he had picked three books to have Rylee read to him. She was tired that night and told him to only pick one book. He sighed, and threw two Dr. Seuss books aside and said, "Well somebody doesn't like the classics." (That one is from Ice Age 2.)
151. Hayden is the most ticklish kid I know. If you rub the top of his head, he can't stand it. I don't know how he lets me cut his hair.
152. He loves to tell me about every detail when he gets home from preschool or church, and can recount the stories he is told there. I love it!
153. Hayden loves Ranch dressing and would drink it if I would let him. Gag!
154. When I kiss Hayden's cheek at night, he rubs his face with his hand and says, "Aw, shucks."
155. Kate is the curly-haired cutie pie.
156. Every morning, Kate comes in my room and gives me a kiss and says, "Good morning" before she does anything else.
157. If Kate hurts you or does something wrong, she is quick to say, "I'm sorry" in her cute little voice.
158. Whenever I get out the mixer to make something, Kate asks what I am making. If I say it is cookies she get so excited, runs over to the bar, hops up on the stool and says, "Ooohh, I LOVE cookies!"
159. Kate loves to say prayers and is so good at saying them by herself.
160. Kate doesn't walk many places. The girl RUNS!
161. Kate loves to be my big helper. Her favorite things to help me with are folding the laundry and vacuuming. She's getting pretty good at both!
162. Kate loves to play Just Dance and Just Dance 2 on the Wii, and has a few of the dances DOWN!
163. Bill is still the best dad and husband around.
164. He has a quick wit - that's where the kids get it.
165. He is always great to play with and wrestle the kids.
166. He always smelled amazing when we were dating, and it has continued to the present! I love it!
167. He does the grocery shopping. I hate to shop, and he has been so good to take over that dreaded duty.
168. He is always optomistic and is constantly looking for ways to improve himself and our family.
169. He can still write a killer love note.
170. Bill is always good to help me with whatever I need. Even after long days at work, he still comes home and just jumps right in to help with the kids or dinner or errands - whatever the need may be.
171. I am so lucky to have the family that I do.
172. Our whole family thinks "Angry Birds" is the coolest game ever.
173. Bill and I are still convinced that the stuffed animals are reproducing in there. No matter how many of the dang things we get rid of, the dang box is always overflowing. What the heck?
174. You can't deny that Yo Gabba Gabba is a cool show!
175. YAHOO!!!! 3/4 of the way done!
176. I'm so ready for BBQ season again.
177. Four kids equals never-ending laundry.
178. It's weird when our kids drink plain milk - with no Nesquik in it.
179. Hilary still makes the best cookies in the tri-state area, or in five states, or just in the whole world!
180. Hilary is an awesome decorator, as seen above, and can make any room look awesome with her creative touch.
181. Hilary can always cheer our kids up no matter the circumstance. She has a magical way of making them happy so quickly.
182. Hilary writes a daily note/poem to our kids to put in their lunches. It is usally a silly little rhyme that hopefully brightens their day at lunch. We'll see if she can keep up the pace when we have morekids in school. May have to start recycling them.
183. A hug and a kiss from Hilary can make anyone in the family feel better.
184. Uh, Bill wrote the last few while I was not looking. Stinker. But I'll leave them on because that means I am closer to 200!
185. Crap, I just remembered that St. Patrick's Day is less than a week away.
186. Time to start collecting all things green and to scheme for the mischief that will be created that day.
187. Guess what?
188. Chicken butt.
189. I'm pretty sure I hear the word "mom" close to 200 times per day. Sometimes I swear one kid says it about 20 times right in a row within 5 seconds. You moms can relate, I'm sure.
190. We have awesome friends!
191. We also have amazing extended family!
192. I should have made this a gratitude list.
193. I could list way more than 200 things we have to be grateful for.
194. Then I wouldn't be so stuck when I am so close to 200! LOL!
195. Maybe I should have posted 200 pictures - heaven knows I have taken more than that.
196. It has definitely taken me at least 200 minutes to write this post.
197. It won't be another 200 days before I post again.
198. I can guarantee I won't do this for the 300th post.
199. If you have read all of this, I am amazed.
200. I'm done! And I won't wait so long to blog again. :)