We threw around a couple of different names, but as soon as the name "Daisy" was brought up, it stuck. Hayden loved it because Daisy is a character on Super Mario, and the girls just thought it was cute. So, meet Daisy:
She's a ShihTzu/Bischon Frise mix, and is so adorable! She is six weeks old, and such a good puppy. We are feeling so lucky to have such a sweetheart. She is playful, but so mellow and good with the kids too.
It's fun to see the way she acts differently around all the kids, and how they all interact with her in different ways.
Hayden LOVES to let her chase him and play with her little toys with her. He laughs so hard and can't decide if he loves it or is a little bit afraid when Daisy chases him, trying to get her little toy from him. He usually ends up dropping it and running away, laughing as he watches Daisy attack her little toy. The first day she was here, Hayden kept saying, "Please tell me I'm not dreaming." It was so cute!
Kate loves to hold her, but doesn't try to "man handle" her too much. She thinks she is fun to watch, but doesn't quite know how to hold her yet. She loves to have her on her lap, but kind of doesn't know what to do when Daisy starts to move around. But she gets so excited to see Daisy wake up and always wants to know where she is.
Rylee is the little doggy mommy. She carries her around like a baby and is constantly near her to make sure she is okay. She takes her outside to go potty and just dotes on her. She worries about her just like a mom would worry about her child. She feels so bad and sits by Daisy to pet her when she is twitching in her sleep. She is so worried that she is afraid or sad because she isn't with her mommy any more. She is determined to arrange a "doggie family reunion" so Daisy can see her mom and dad again.
Lana mothers Daisy quite a bit too. She is always anxiously waiting for her to wake up from naps so she can play with her and snuggle her. She loves it when Daisy chases her feet and laughs hysterically just watching her play. She had to hold her in the car on the way home and then walk down the street and show her friend her new puppy as soon as we got home with her. She's definitely smitten.We are all so excited to have a new pet, and it is so easy to see how pets become like family. She is adorable!
Cute pictures!!! I'm sure Danika will be jealous when she gets a little older. ;-)
The dog and the kids:) Alyssa would be so jealous. She lives, breathes and dreams dogs....I say let's at least let the little guys get a little older!!!:)
Love and miss ya pretty girl!
Congrats!! She is darling!
Glad it's you. :)
thank you for the puppy!!! i luv ya much!
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