There was pizza, a movie, popcorn, dancing, singing, balloon fights, and...
A humongous pillow fight. They had a blast!
Saturday was Rylee's birthday, so she couldn't wait to open her gifts as soon as she woke up.
She got some clothes, and a sewing machine.
I think her favorite gift was her roller blades though. She didn't want to take them off all day (and hasn't taken them off much since.) You gotta love the fashion statement she is making with the dress and the socks and roller-blades though. I think it's adorable.:)
She also loved her new birthday dress. She loves to get a new dress for her birthday. What a girly-girl!
Rylee wanted this cake for her birthday so bad. It was SO yummy!
She couldn't wait to dig in!!!
She loves it when family comes over for cake and ice cream! We have an awesome family!
Blow out those candles, Birthday Girl!!!
Daddy, trying to decide how to cut the cake.
These two girls love their daddy so much!
I couldn't resist taking this picture of Isaak. What a cutie pie!
While everyone else was enjoying their cake and ice cream, Kate was enjoying and apple. What the heck? I have no idea where she came from. Who picks apples over cake (with candy all over it, nonetheless) and ice cream? She will be the only healthy one in our family.:)
We snapped a picture of the three girls with my parents as the night was ending. They are the best grandparents, and we are all so lucky to have them so close by. My kids adore them. Hayden would have been right there with them, but still wasn't feeling top-notch after being sick all week. Poor dude.
It was such a nice weekend, and Rylee said her birthday was fabulous. We sure love her and she is turning in to such an amazing young lady. I can't believe it has been nine years since she was born. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a sweet girl, but we are all so blessed to have her in our family. Her sense of humor is fantastic. She is kind and sensitive to those around her. She is artistic and loves to share her talents. Our family is so much richer with her in it, and we love her so much!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! We love you!
Okay that DRESS is GORGEOUS! So adorable! And the cake-did she invent it or did ya'll see it somewhere?? Sooooooooo yummy looking. And yeah I want to cry-NINE! The first time I remember Rylee-we were at a baby shower for someone-probably Tracy or Sara and she was probably 3 or 4 and she was so super shy!! She always had the best outfits on at church and cute matching hankerchiefs in her hair. Then she was like the most fun girl ever when I saw her in Utah several years back....awwww why do they have to grow up so dang fast! Happy Birthday gorgeous amazing Girl!
Dang!!! I wish I could have partied with her! That looks like a ton of FUN! I can't believe the cake too, what an awesome idea! You're the idea queen for sure!
Happy Birthday Rylee!!! She is such a beautiful Girl. I love it that she is a girley girl!! That is such an awesome cake. Did you make it?
I am sorry that your kids were all sick for so long. That is not fun at all.
I totally know what it is like to feel like you don't have time. I have been working Full-Time at Wal-Mart, plus they are graveyards, so I am way tired!!! Blogging has been the last thing on my mind. Life happens.. and blogs get put on hold. So don't feel bad. Love ya Hill!!!
What a beautiful girl you have there! It really is scary how fast they grow up, isn't it. I feel exactly the same age, so I'm not sure that works. :)
LOVE that cake...and I would love to know how you made it. What a great party!
Rylee is so sweet! I can't believe she is nine either. Where does the time go? Thanks for letting us be a part of all the festivities! Hope you can recover from all the craziness!
Loved her cake! My mouth is watering just looking at it, tell me it tasted even better then it looked?! No wait..don't!
Rylee looked so cute in her dress on Sunday. I was wondering if she got it for her birthday, she can't be nine, didn't she just get baptized! Time flies!
How cute that cake is? I still remember slumber parties we had at my house at the age. Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday Rylee! She's 9 already? I remember when she was Hannah's age (sigh) where does the time go.
What an impressive cake, can tell she loved it!
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