Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Little Circus

I need to explain our blog title. I could only think of one way to describe my life and that of my family. It really does seem many days like a circus. After we had our fourth baby in July, my husband and I said that we should be followed everywhere we go with the juggling clown circus music. You know what I'm talking about. I know there are other people out there with more kids, younger kids, kids who are closer together, etc. But I feel like for me, I am running a circus. We have a six (almost seven-year-old), a three(almost four-year old), a one(almost two-year-old) and a five-month-old.

I'm not the best with technology, so hopefully our little family blog isn't a flop, but I had to try it because I am a terrible journal writer and I need a way to document our lives before all of the sweet memories and fun things our kids do are gone and forgotten. So, I will make our next entry one from a little over a year ago, but my best friend (who is an excellent blogger, I might add) suggested this would be a good story to share. See you all (the whole maybe three people who will actually read our blog) in our next post...


Blackeyedsue said...

I love your little circus. It always provides me with laughter!

Laurie said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Your little circus is wonderful. I hope you find blogging to be as fun and exciting as I do.

Kris said...

Well hello! You have a beautiful family and I can only imagine the adventures you have with them! :)