Then she was beaming as she opened the door to Hayden's room. She had fixed his covers on his bed because they were already messed up because two little monkeys had been jumping on it after I made it. Hmmm...Wonder who that could be? She even put all of his stuffed animals neatly in the corner of his bed. And, oh no, it doesn't end there...
She then leads me to the family room where there had been a bunch of foamy puzzle pieces all over the floor as well as the pieces to a huge Dora floor puzzle. I wasn't looking forward to sorting through those and putting them away. You know when your head hurts and the dumbest tasks seem so hard? Yeah, that was me this morning. So I was thrilled to find this:
She looked up at me with her big blue eyes when I walked into the kitchen and said, "I'm doing the dishes now!"
She was even smiling as she washed. What a good girl! And check her out! She's obviously observant. She knows that to me the dishes aren't done and the kitchen clean until the sink is washed out and dried.
After she finished her list of jobs that she did for me, she said, "Mom, I wish it was my week so that you could say what you love about me is that I helped you clean." (We all rotate having turns being spotlighted in the family where, among other things, everyone has to say one thing they love about the person being spotlighted after we say family prayers at night.) How cute is she?! I told her it doesn't have to be her week for me to love that about her. I told her I love it about her today even though it isn't her week and that I would blog the pictures so everyone could see what a good girl she was today. She is still beaming.