My darling cousin,
Ashley, tagged me! I have been stewing over this one since she tagged me. I am so boring. I mean, really. This one is a seven random things tag. Honestly, I can't think of seven
interesting things about me. But I'll give it a whirl:
~ I can't remember the last time that Bill and I were able to just sleep in until whenever we woke up. It has been YEARS. I would
SOOOO love to go on a vacation with him and be able to just sleep in and not have an alarm or kids wake us up. (Can you tell I am tired because a little Kate was awake half the night last night?)
~ Sometimes I still crave a cold cereal that they used to make when I was a kid. (When I was pregnant I craved them SO bad.) What cereal is it you ask?
SMURFBERRY CRUNCH! Does anyone remember that stuff? It had pinkish/red and dark purple/blue crunchy berries. It was delicious. I wish they (whoever "they" is) would bring that stuff back. Another food I really miss:
PBMax Candy Bars. Remember those little gems?
Ooooh, I would love to eat one. Who was the stinker that got rid of those without asking me first?
~ One of these days, Bill and I would love to take up golf. Bill and I keep saying that we want to learn and when we retire (if that ever happens in this economy) we want to play golf together every day. For now, we'll have to stick to racquetball. We don't even have a lot of time for that.:(
~ I love the smell of
Drakkar cologne. It reminds me of the first few dates that Bill and I went on. He let me borrow his jacket, like a true gentleman, when we went to a hockey game and I was freezing. I kept my nose in that coat all night. Even now when I smell the stuff, I get all nostalgic.
~ I have one quirk that just makes me weird. I HATE to go out to eat. Most people love not having to cook their food and clean it up. I don't like eating food that I can't see where it came from. But give me a backyard BBQ with friends any day, and I will be there in a flash.
~ Bill and I made a bet about three years ago. He said that he was betting that I would be the Relief Society President within ten years. I said that there was no way in heck that will happen
EVER in my lifetime, let alone ten years. If I win, I get a trip to Hawaii (with Bill, of course, so he can't complain.) If he wins, we take a trip to
San Francisco and go to a 49
ers game. I think we are looking at Hawaii in seven years. I am doing my best to make sure I won't ever be the Relief Society President. :) And I don't know if we want to waste money on 49
ers tickets any time soon because they, um, stink right now.
Shhhh. Don't tell Bill I said that.
~ When I was a little girl (maybe 4?), I was playing at my aunt and uncle's house with my cousin. We were in their unfinished basement and we saw the drain on the floor. My cousin dared me to pee in the drain. I told him I would if he would. He agreed and told me to go first. I did, but I first made him promise to not tell his mom about it. He promised and then promised he would do it after me. So I peed down the drain and he went running upstairs to tell his mom. I was so embarrassed and I had to call my aunt and apologize later that night. Moral of the story: Don't be gullible like me. I am still kind of a gullible sucker. (I'm pretty sure I would fall for the "Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary" joke if someone wouldn't have explained it to me first.)
So there you go. Seven random things. Wasn't that fun?!?!
Now I get to tag seven people. I am tagging:
Jenn H.,
Katherine, and
Andrea. Have fun ladies! Can't wait to read your posts! And if anyone else would like to play along, feel free!