Sunday, December 21, 2008

She Guessed It!

Classic story here:

Last night we were all hanging out as a family and Lana was asking if we could play a game. It was half an hour until bed time, so I wasn't in the mood to get out any games. Off the top of my head, I decided to play 20 Questions with them.

So the game began. I was laying on my back on the bed with Kate jumping on my gut. Lana, Rylee and Bill were all sitting on the bed for our rip-roaring game. I thought of something and the questions began.

"Is it a person?"

"Kind of," I replied.

"Do you hold it when you use it?" For any of you who have played the 20Q game, you know where Rylee got that question from.

"Can you eat it?" I would not recommend it.

I bet you are dying to know what I was thinking about, aren't you! You will find out soon, just like the rest of them did.

"Is it a holiday figure?" Rylee was on the right track.

"Is it Santa Claus?" Nope, not Santa Claus.

"Is it baby Jesus?" Nope. Keep guessing.

At this point, Kate stands up on my stomach as tall as she can and sings, "Foseee, Nowman!"

I couldn't help giggling. She guessed it!!! Hayden and Kate love Frosty the Snowman and they sing the song all the time. It was so cute that she guessed it right on cue.

When I laughed and said, "You guessed it, Kate," everyone started laughing right along with me. It was one of those funny moments that just was so cute that we need to remember it. And my whole family was saying, "You gotta blog this!"

I love moments like this with my family during the holidays when we are all together just laughing and enjoying our time together.

Merry Christmas!!!


Katherine said...

That is so cute! I just love your kids they are all so adorable.

I told my kids about when I dropped of the innvite to our party and Hayden was doing the " Wake up frosty" thing with your Christmas decorations they all thought it was so cute. now we can't drive past the end of your street without someone saying " wake up frosty" soo cute.

Company EIGHT said...

That is so adorable Hilary! And you're right--it's moments like those that are the best ever!

Dianne said...

Frosty the Snowman will forever be a special figure in your holiday memories. It will be a warm fuzzy when you think of it. Frosty woke up Haydens silence and Kate "guessed" who was being thought of and causing laughter and happiness. Children are the best!

Candace said...

Oh what a smartie pants! I can just hear her little voice saying that! What a cutie!

April said...

That is hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Smartie Pants. :)
My girls L-O-V-E Frosty this year too!

Sara Jennings said...

How cute! And I love the pictures of your kids!! And thank you so much for the Christmas card! I got it today! Thanks for thinking of me! I need to come see you guys for sure! I will have to figure out when I can come and I'll let you know! I miss you guys! Merry Christmas!! (little late, I know, lol!)

April said...

Just letting you know that I finally answered your tag from October! I am so bad at stopping to do these things.