Thursday, June 11, 2009

No Tumbling Lessons Needed...

...Kate already has the somersaults figured out.

Apparently that is what she does when she is in her bed playing for fifteen minutes before she goes to sleep at nap time. She was practicing for her debut!

Last night, Kate was being SO silly. All of a sudden, she says, "Watch guys," and does a somersault. What the heck!? I figured it must have been a fluke, so I told her to do it again. She did it! Then she really thought it was funny and she kept going and going and going....

Here's the proof! And don't worry, she never does fall off the bed. She comes close, but never does.


Picture Perfect said...

That is soooooooooooo funny! She comes so close to falling off the bed! What a stinker! It's amazing how they can totally surprise you with a trick you never thought they could do! Go Dolly!

Nicole said...

Too cute!!!

Dawn Rae said...

Hello, I just finally figured out who "billary" was! How are you? You have a very cute family. If you want to check out my blog send me an email (it's private) Great to find you!

Dawn (Dahlsrud) Reneau

Candace said...

What a cutie! Her and Kade need to join the circus! He thinks he can do the splits, it cracks me up! At your next pediatrician appointment when they as if she can walk backwards, you can show them that's nothin for this girl!

Company EIGHT said...

TOTALLY cute! I'm amazed at how close she comes to the edge, and never falls off! She is delighted with herself too, which makes it even cuter!

Andrea said...

She definitely has a sister fan club! That will keep her going!

I hear Logan jumping in his bed before nap time. I am waiting for a cry that he has tumbled out. I still have him in the crib (oops!), so hopefully he will not develop monkey habits too!