Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Write In Ballot for President...

My dad sent me an email the other day saying there is a new word just added to the English dictionary. Here it is:

Electile Dysfunction : the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

Amen, Dad. Amen. So, here is who I would be excited about electing as president:

I could really get behind this one because the dude is GREAT! He is always happy, he takes his job very seriously, he is totally honest (crap, the kid felt guilty for stealing a balloon on "Free Balloon Day), his problems always just seem to work themselves out because he is just innocent. He has quite the laugh (we've had a few presidents with trademark laughs), he is very loyal as a friend and employee. The kids would love him. And Congress would be a piece of cake for him to deal with after working for Mr. Krabs. I could list so many reasons why Spongebob would make a great president. Seriously, I would love to live in a country with such a sweet, innocent, good-to-the-core leader.

Go, Spongebob! You have my vote!!! And maybe as Vice President:

Papa Smurf with his never ending wisdom! What do you think? I think we have a winner team!


AimeeTheSuperMom said...

I dunno. Scooby and the crew of Mystery Inc. are pretty good at solving big mysteries. Maybe, like, they could find all our tax dollars and put them where they belong. Zoinks!

Andrea said...

You're back! Yeah! I was worried for a while.

If my kids could vote, then Mr. SB would win-hands down.

Can I just say that I am happy that we don't have to endure all of those political commercials, phone calls and propaganda?!?

I do need to make sure that I am registered correctly so that I can place an absentee vote. I do miss that part-it seems so official. I remember waiting outside the booth while my mom and dad went inside. It seemed so secretive at the time...

Tai said...

Love the new term, not a Spongebob fan though, but he would be better than any of the cadidates!!

Larsens said...

I bet if Spongebob was on the ballot, there would be 3-D glasses next to the booth (those of you who hasn't seen the spongebob 3-D ride at Seaworld, trust me, it is worth the ride, the pickle juice and all).
Smurfs are great too, and little people would feel so bad.

Jenn said...

Rock on! Anyone is better than what we have right now.....God help us!!!

Katherine said...

I'm with ya there and I don't even like sponge bob. anyone would be better than the choices we are left with!

Anonymous said...

I am with you on this!! Any character whould be better then the choices we have right now! Sad, but true!

Ashley said...

This is so Funny!! but scary... I have been thinking the same thing. Who will run the country best and keep us safe? I don't know... they are all losers. By the way, Papa Smerf is my choice!

Angie said...

Very funny!!! I fear that I like that choice better than the current candidates as well!

Amy said...

I love Spongebob! He would make a great president. :)