Thursday, May 29, 2008


The title got you interested didn't it!!!???

Nope, you are not going to see any pictures here. I have been thinking, though. Lately Bill and I have been laughing at Kate because when she bends over and has her arms out in front of her, she totally has baby boobs (with indented nipples, I might add.) She is so funny.

So as I bathed her last night, I was thinking...I figured it out. I have no cleavage because she has sucked it all out of me and is keeping it all for herself. Smart girl. Maybe she won't be flat-chested like me her whole life.

Like I said, I would like to post pictures, but for fear of wack-o's out there, I won't. And everyone has seen a cute, chubby baby before. Just picture that.

Mystery solved. Now on to the mystery of the disappearing pacifiers. All of Hayden's pacifiers keep disappearing, and we can't find them anywhere! But I think I am on Hayden's trail. And the end of the trail seems to be the trash. he trying to tell me something? No more binkies? Yeah right!


Amy said...

You are too funny!

I am glad that you did not post any pictures, but I would like too see them. I have never had a chubby baby!

What is the story behind the missing pacifiers?

Jenn said...

Dang it-I thought you were going to give some advice on how to make them GROW!! I guess I'm out of luck! You're so funny.

Laurie said...

You are so funny! I know how you feel. But some day maybe with a little doctor intervention that will change. A girl can hope...right!!!

Larsens said...

Ok, that's funny about Kate.
Congrats on Hayden's is time. It only hurst a little while.

Anonymous said...

Love this post! I think most of us moms can relate! :)

Tai said...

I love the baby chubs..who cares if she sucks all the fat out of least you are thin!! Chubby babies are happy babies. So why is hayden throwing the binks away? Little stinker.

Andrea said...

No photos needed. You could seriously use them as bribery someday with her when she brings home a scary boyfriend. We have soem that we are saving for that very reason....

Wouldn't it be nice if you could redistribute fat on your body? I don't mind keeping it all-it just needs to find a more appropriate place :).

My kids have just stopped using binkies right beore a year. I don't know the secret-it has just been luck for us. Well, I'm not counting the 3 year-old thumb sucker. He stopped taking the binky at 2-3 months after an ear infection. He gave up the thumb several months ago and just started again...oh boy.

And what's with these long and complicated word verifications that blogger is giving me today!?! They take way too much concentration and memory-apparently more than I have to give.