Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You Know Those Things That Go Bump In The Night...

Well, this is what we hear in the night...(Don't panic when you don't see anything. I was sneaking into a dark room to just capture the sound.)

It was too cute. I could hear Lana arguing with Kate before I went in there with the camera. It went something like this:

Lana: Ka-a-a-a-te, stop talking so I can go to sleep!

Kate: Grawawawadadadada.

Lana: Kate, please!

Kate: Graaaaaawaaaa.

So that is when I grab the camera and just sit barely inside their bedroom door so that I won't be seen. Pretty funny. And as you will hear, Rylee said, "Mom, you gotta blog this." And since I always obey my kids, that is just what I am doing.

It was cute to have Hayden come in saying, "Okay Kate?" he has to check on his baby sister. So sweet. Then it is all about cheesing it for the camera as soon as he realizes I have one. Silly boy!

The giggling before bed is what it is all about. I LOVE it!


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

how adorable!!! I usually wake up to Ava talking to her babies.

Blackeyedsue said...

What goes around comes around, huh Lana.

I remember her doing the same thing to Rylee. Have we been bff's that long? Whoa! Guess that means I have rights.

Okay, getting slap-happy. Time for bed.

OH, and I love, love, LOVE the JibJab you sent. LOVE IT!

Katherine said...

That was so adorable! I loved the "put this on your blog" thing. My kids do that too.

Larsens said...

That was so funny. Loved to hear the girls and you just laugh and laugh.

Jenn said...

SO CUTE! And that is so amazing about your PARTY! HOW FUN! What a great BFF (and other friends as well) you have and I already knew you had a great husband. YOU DESERVED TO HAVE so many amazing surprises!

Angie said...

I love the laughter. That just sounds like a happy family!

Anonymous said...

Love the sweet sounds of laughter! There truly is nothing better. Your kids are just too too cute!! You sure you don't want anymore? ;)

Tai said...

That is so dang cute. It is cute because it captures all of your kids. I love all the laughs and Rylee telling you to blog it. I think you should have Rylee set up her own blog. I think it would be so cute. I have thought about setting up one for each of my kids just to record each of their funny sayings as they grow up. I think Ry would really enjoy it!!! She has so many funny things to say.

AimeeTheSuperMom said...

I LOVE it when they tell you what to blog. Reminds me that dh called yesterday so he could tell me about the gray nose hair he'd plucked from his own nose and he thought I should blog it. I know. It's a miracle we're allowed out in public.

Those little voices are priceless!!!

Candace said...

Your kids are to cute! Thanks for your comment the other day! You are very sweet!