Monday, January 28, 2008

A Few Thoughts On President Hinckley

Last night, Bill and I were watching "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" when they broke in with the breaking news that our sweet prophet, President Hinckley had passed away. We just stood there kind of shocked. I think we probably should have seen it coming because he was 97 years old. However, he still seemed so full of life and the man never stopped. I think we both maybe felt like he was sort of invincible.

I woke up this morning and was watching the "Today Show" just for the first forty-five minutes or so just waiting to see what they would say about it. Guess what they said? Nothing. No mention of it. They talked about overseas markets, gas prices, who will win the super bowl, etc. But not a mention of the greatest man who was living on the earth's passing.

Now I know I live very close to the situation and I can't expect the rest of the world to take note of someone I admire so much. So instead of waiting for the news to do their tribute, I will do one of my own because I definitely think his life is worth noting.

President Hinckley was a prophet I loved to listen to. I always felt like he had such a genuine love for each member of our church - and even those not of our faith. He was so real. He seemed to be so aware of events and circumstances in the world and always knew how to lead through trials. He saw the good in the wicked world we live in and was excited about the future. I think that is what I will miss the most. He brought such a calm to such tumultuous times. He taught how to be a kind and caring spouse. He taught how to be the kind of parent we are expected to be. He taught so many things, and was truly someone to try to emulate. His humor made him personable, his smile made him seem approachable, and his testimony made him a spiritual giant of a man. Nothing I say can ever do justice to the man who has been a prophet for so much of my life. I just know he was a prophet called by God to lead this gospel in this time. No one could have been better in that calling than he was.

And call me crazy, but I wonder if the big storm I mentioned in my previous post is the world's way of mourning the loss of such a great man. Who knows? But either way, he will be missed by many. The sadness over his loss is purely selfish on my part because I won't get to hear more sweet conference addresses or fun little quips of his, or feel of his comforting enthusiasm for what is in store in the future. But he is with his sweet wife again. I am so happy that he gets to again be with his eternal companion whom he has missed so much for the last four years. It definitely is a bittersweet event.

Thank you, President Hinckley, for being such a good example of the kind of person I want to someday be. You will be sorely missed.

1 comment:

Larsens said...

Yes, bitter sweet indeed. I was watching a special about him last night after the 10pm news, and in the end he bore his testimony of Christ, and I cried like a baby. He was such a sweet, sweet man who loved liquorice and oysters. He ate oysters every day. Maybe that's the secret for long life.
I will miss him.