Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh My Head!

Today, I have a headache! You know when you wake up with a headache, the day will be a doozie! So here are some things that are making my head hurt worse:

- I woke up to a buddy boy screaming for half-an-hour no matter what I did to try to calm him down.
- The Wiggles video finally calmed him down, so guess what has been on for the last three hours over and over and over and.......
- Drama of a first grade girl this morning. Need I say more? Just in case you don't know what I mean, this is what happened: She said she hopes she doesn't come home from school sick because she has a little sniffle. This lead to her saying she wants to be home-schooled. Then the whining about home-school because she couldn't make more friends. DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA. It continued until she got to school!!!
- Hearing, "Mom, I want..." about five thousand times before 9:30 this morning! My children seem to have forgot that I did teach them the "please" word.
- Three poopie diapers already this morning. Good crud, can a mom ever catch a break?
- Okay, nothing worse than hearing your three-year-old chomp her food and smack it around while she eats breakfast. Makes my skin crawl! And she does it worse the more I ask her to chew with her mouth closed PLEASE! Oh, and the "sea food" joke - NOT FUNNY!
- "Cleaning Day," which for me is Monday. However, I am still recovering.
- The fact that I had all the laundry DONE last night - empty laundry baskets- and now one is full already. HATE THAT!
- The worst headache contributor: I have no cookies in my house! Guess what I will be doing this afternoon? OH YEAH! Cookies with Pepsi. That ought to cure it!


Blackeyedsue said...

I am thinking we need to run away...after Enrichment. Wanna walk through Target with me?

I will buy you a cookie.

Larsens said...

The answer is Excedrin before you get out of bed. It will cure anything. It is my best friend between the times when I try to quit Diet Coke/Pepsi and realizing that I'm hooked on them, and they taste so good anyway, so why quit. Cookies are the next best friend, especially your cookies. Can you say best Snickerdoodles, ever!

Heidi said...

ooooh, the food chomping really gets me. My kids have picked up on that and love to exaggerate their chewing.
I hope your head feels better or you at least get to wake up with a lot better day ahead of you!