Anyway, back to my little list. I was just thinking this morning about some things that make me happy today. Here are some of my Happy Thoughts:
1. Pink text on a blog. That makes me happy. Okay, that wasn't going to be one of them, but it didn't change the way it was supposed to when I changed it back to black, so I ran with it. I really do like pink!
3. Lana says the funniest things. Here's a few: She and Rylee have humidifier in their room and she always tells people to come see "da minute fiuh." (Did you catch that?) Remember the kid talks like a New Yorker, so she just pronounces humidifier funny.
Another funny: I was playing the game Guess Who with her the other day when she was asking me a question to narrow down her search for who I was. Her question was: "Do you have any balds?" Only she didn't pronounce the "d" in balds very well. I thought she was asking if I was a male or female for a minute until I remembered she is four and doesn't know that kind of lingo yet.
Another cute thing: She loves the movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (girl after my own heart) and she just can't seem to get the name of the movie right. She will ask if she can watch "Seven Brothers for Seven Sisters" and then when I correct her, she says, "Oh, it's Seven Brides for Seven Sisters." The poor girl is confused!
I found the coolest lipstick! I have already converted two other people to it. It is Cover Girl's Outlast all day lipstick! It really works! I can kiss on my kids all day and my lips still look pretty and I don't get lipstick all over them. I may not get my hair done during the day, but by dang, my lips look good! And even better yet: I can kiss Bill when he comes home and still look decent (besides my hair that never gets done any more, of course!:)
5. I keep my cell phone on vibrate because I hate the loud ringing. It never fails to wake up a baby when she is almost asleep. But Lana and Hayden both describe the vibrating ring as something different. When Lana sees it moving across the counter she says, "Mom, your phone is yawning." Where in the heck she got that, I don't know. And this morning when Hayden heard it vibrating he said, "Moo." Apparently it sounds like a cow to him.
6. This makes me not so happy. I got a new calling, along with the one I already have, at church to be the primary pianist. Our pianist has two little ones already and she just had twins. Apparently she is a bit occupied right now. Can't imagine why. But they asked me to fill in. Great. I took piano lessons for nine years, but that was a LOOOONG time ago. But I accepted the call and have been practicing and trying to get through it. I think it will turn out better than I expected and I am kind of enjoying it. But back to my HAPPY thought: Yesterday I was practicing and the kids were singing along with the songs. I stumbled across the song "Little Purple Pansies." I always just make fun of that song, and last night was no different. Instead of the correct lyrics, I was singing "Little poopooed panties touched with yellow pee." Tacky, I know, but I couldn't help it. So this morning, guess what Rylee woke up singing and will probably teach all her friends at school?! You guessed it. Oops. But it really is funny to hear her laugh that uncontrollable laugh when something really strikes her funny bone.
7. I got to snuggle with Bill and Kate for a few minutes this morning before Bill left for work. We just laughed at Kate and talked and it started my day so much better than the normal hopping up and dealing with whiny kids first. I think that may have to be a new habit!
8. I talked on the phone for a while this morning with Blackeyedsue and we laughed and laughed. Adult conversation is always welcome!
So, there are a few things that are among my "Happy thoughts" today. What are some of yours?
YOu have started a trend. My kids sang little poo-poo panties all morning!!!
I LOVE this post! And I love that lipstay! It is the BEST!!!!
I love your happy thoughts!! You make me happy everyday I read one of your cute blog posts! You are amazing and a true blessing to everyone who knows you.
I loved this post! I love others too, but this one was warm and fuzzy. I'm an occasional pink girl. I like it when I feel "girly".
Your DH is spoiling you-fabulous! I can't figure out the humidifier comment...maybe it's been too long of a day... :).
I wondered who was the pianist in your family. Some people just inherit them, like me. And....I hope they have that lipstick here! I hate to waste $$ on products and hate them.
I was laughing that you are Bill and Hilary. Very cute! A much better couple, if I can voice that opinion :).
What a good tradition to start on your blog. You are so funny, and I love how you write! I am going to have to try that lipstick now. Don't stress about the piano thing, when they called me I hadn't played in a few years too, but the kids are really forgiving and I actually missed it a little when they realeased me because now I don't play my piano as much as I should! Your hilarious, your blog is one of my favorites to read!
I am going to try your lipstick. It sounds great. Any favorite colors?
I think it is wonderful that you will be playing the piano in primary. What is your other calling?
I love the "Forever Fawn" color of lipstick. It has color but isn't so bright that you look like a hussy.
And my other calling is the compassionate service leader. What fun!:)
Loved reading you's happy made me happy just reading them. :)
I have to say I just bought Forever Fawn a few days ago and love it!
I love your optimism. It is catching.
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