Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Punch Lines

I have some pictures that I have taken in the last couple of days that are just aching for a fun caption. I will take a whack at it and you let me know if you can think of some better ones (since I am about as witty as a dish rag...see, not witty.) Then after my corny captions, I will tell you a little joke. My dad loves to tell us Elephant Jokes. Have you ever heard any? They are silly jokes that sometimes make sense, sometimes not, but they always make me laugh my head off when he tells them. Here goes...

CAPTION: Captain Underpants has been successful in his Witch Hunt.
Fun Elephant Joke:
Q: How do you shoot a blue elephant?

A: With a blue elephant gun.

Q: How do you shoot a pink elephant? (I know what you are thinking)

A: Nope, not with a pink elephant gun. You hold his nose until he turns
blue and shoot him with a blue elephant gun. HEHEHE.

I want to hear you laughing!

And next...

Caption: Just about perfected the pinkie toe trick. Yep, I'm good. The toes taste good too! (I took this picture as she was waking up from a nap yesterday and when I walked in the door this was what I could see. How adorable!)


Q: Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

A: To hide in the strawberry patches.

Q: Ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch?

A: It works.

Q: Why do elephants lie on their backs with their feet in the air?

A: Trip the birds.

That last joke fits the Kate picture, don't you think. No, I'm not calling my daughter an elephant; it just reminded me of that joke!

Corny, I know. But these jokes are some of my favorites. Kind of nostalgic - reminds me of family nights when my dad would tell those and we would laugh so hard we couldn't manage to get a lesson in. But we learned how to hunt blue elephants. I really should do a whole post on elephant jokes...another day.


Melissa said...

oh gosh your kids are cute!

Larsens said...

Funny jokes. I can picture Tim telling the jokes with his Daffy Duck voice. Cute pictures too.

Jenn said...

You're so cute. Mention me when you become a famous writer one day. You are so creative.

Oh----you motivated me (as usual) I added a recipe column to my blog. I probably won't be able to do it weekly. I'm not that good yet.....Anyways if you like yogurt this is a good recipe! I know I'm kind of boring with my healthy recipes...not the same as COOKIES!!

Blackeyedsue said...

Do you remember that one day when we were on the phone and you almost had me peeing my pants with your elephant jokes. I love them. You should add an "Elephant Joke of the Week" on your sidebar.

I almost spelled your, you're...just for you. HA! I kill me!

Note to me...don't comment on Hilary's drugs when I am all doped up on painkillers.

Blackeyedsue said...

See...I meant BLOG...NOT drugs. I really need to go to bed...and proof read before I hit "publish". Whoops.

Kris said...

Adorable kids and those jokes are great! My grandpa loves to tell jokes too - I have very fond memories of corny, yet hilarious jokes from him. Thanks for sharing!