Friday, April 25, 2008

Rylee's Tooth Saga

Rylee had a tooth that was bleeding the other day because it was pretty loose and just needed to come out. She was all sorts of upset about it because she just wanted it to fall out so she could stop sucking on a washcloth all day (something I thought most kids loved to do, but apparently it gets old after a few hours.)

So after dinner I felt her tooth and it was pretty wiggly, but felt like it could still use some work. But she was freaking out saying she really wanted us to try to get it out. Well, okay. Sounds fun to me!... BILL! Rylee wants her tooth pulled! That is a daddy job, right?

So we get out the Zilactin to numb her up a little because I really didn't think it was ready, but I thought we could at least show her we tried.

Bill numbed her up and Rylee thought it tasted fantastic! Okay, not really, but she at least giggled about the nasty taste.

Then Bill started to yank at her tooth. It wasn't doing much and my husband was too afraid of hurting her. When he asked if I thought he was a wimp, I said, "Yep, pretty much!" He replied, "But she's my little girl. I don't want to hurt my little girl."

"Let me take a yank at it then," I said. I have some rage I could take out on someone. Hehehe.

Apparently I didn't have enough rage because I couldn't get it out either. Are we loser parents?

But the next night, Rylee was washing her face in the bath and she had to scrub her lips pretty hard because she had some of that awesome Color Stay lipstick on (she has been in the school play) and her tooth just fell out into the washcloth. Apparently it doesn't take a wimpy dad or mom with rage, just a sweet girl to wash her face. Who knew?!

So now we have a happy girl with a missing front tooth. How adorable! And apparently smiling with a missing front tooth makes a girl flare her nostrils at the same time. The human body is crazy, I tell you!


Heidi said...

We just went through the same thing with Sydney a few days ago! I love the missing front tooth. Such a cute little thing.

Laurie said...

I have found that it is easier to just let it come naturally. I always tell my kids that if they want it out, they must do the work themselves. They are much to dramatic if I do it. Plus, they want the dollar the tooth fairy will bring.

Tai said...

I love the story. I don't think that I could pull one of my kid's teeth and I think when it all came down to it Mike would have a hard time pulling one of his own kids teeth too. Its hard to inflict pain on your own kids!! Our kids loved Rylee's play, thanks for letting us come enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for missing teeth. :) I remember that being such a fun time as a kid, but I dread it as a parent. Something about pulling a tooth put makes me kinda nauseous! I am such a whimp! :)

Amy said...

Babe-O's tooth has been ready to come out for weeks! She is too scared to let me attempt to get it out.

Could you send Rylee over to wash her face? Maybe that will get that darn tooth out!

Larsens said...

Unfortunately I didn't notice the missing tooth yesterday because I was adoring her beautiful dress and necklace and her perfect hair.
We missed you yesterday! It was good to see Bill (even for a few minutes) and the kids. Lana was having those powdered sugar donuts and obviously she wasn't too fond of them because she walked to the kitchen, looked at me, and then quickly dumped her donut in the trash. Then smiling went back to whatever she was doing up to that point.

Andrea said...

Ugh. I hate teeth (the coming out part). It's not the blood-no biggie. I think I associate it with that "crackly" tooth feeling and sound that I remember having as I tried to push them out with my tongue. My stomach hurts just thinking about it :(.

We have been letting the girls do it solo-less drama that way. And our household needs to reduce the drama factor in any way that we can!

Jenn said...

Way to go. Jeffery had a weight attached to floss the other day for his tooth and accidently dropped it! OUCH. Poor guy. IT'S STiLL Not out. Probably if he did it one more time but he's already traumatized.