Friday, February 29, 2008

A Significant Event!

There is something VERY significant about this picture...actually, there are a couple of significant things. Can you guess what they are, huh? Can you guess? Think about it for a minute. Do you know what it is a picture of? Yep, lunch! And guess who the lunch is for? Yep, me! Holy crap! Do you know how long it has been since I have had lunch? Seriously, this is a noteworthy EVENT!!!

And the second thing to notice about the picture: No, it isn't that it really isn't that healthy of a lunch. Hey, it has yummy peppered turkey and delicious Provolone cheese on it. And Doritos are just plain yummy. The Pepsi, well, that is just a necessity some days. Have you noticed yet?

Well, let me point it out to you...Do you notice that the sandwich is almost gone? This means I was actually able to EAT my lunch. I didn't make lunch and have a kid want to eat it or have to toss it because I had to run and take care of the kids! It is especially significant because....

And they didn't even eat my food. They had finished their sandwiches and were munching on chips. YAHOOO!!! It feels great to eat lunch!

My husband will die at this picture. I know we are so trashy. My son is in a dress-up and my daughter has a dress-up on that is WAY too big for her, so she looks like a hussie. Thank goodness for a Family-Size Dorito bag! And if I could have been in the picture, you would see that I look horrid. No shower yet today. I am waiting for nap time for that, but I ATE LUNCH!
Now, where are my cookies?


Blackeyedsue said...

HOLY CRAP!!! You ate lunch!!!! I thought I would really see pigs flying down our street before that happened! Thank goodness for kiddies getting a bit older!

And I am DYING over your little boy. He really is pretty in pink!!!

But that is what family is about. You do what you have to do to get your siblings to play with you.

Andrea said...

You are funny! If you need to, just hide in a closet and have lunch. Honestly, you will feel so much better. Congratulations onthat achievement! What uis next on the agenda? :)

Jenn said...

Your kids look AWESOME! I love the "attitude look." Too cute.....This could be the start of something HUGE.

Larsens said...

Lunch, that's a novelty, huh. Didn't know that. I just had a bucket of Hawaiian haystacks and thought about the Jennings with every bite. I must agree with you about the Pepsi (for me it is Diet Pepsi) that you just must have one every once in a while. I have been sober from Diet Pepsi now for about a month.

Heidi said...

Yummmmm, Doritos. Pepsi, Yuck.

Amy said...

Now I know your secret to staying thin ... you do not eat lunch! I wonder if it will work for me :)